Better Call Saul season 6 key art: Is Gene Takovic suiting up?

Better Call Saul season 6

If you’re like us, then you are very-much excited to see Better Call Saul season 6 premiere on AMC. How can you not be, all things considered? We’re talking about the final season! This is going to be a big, transformative, and emotional batch of episodes, and it could also cross over into SO many timelines.

Based on the key art HERE, we also think that the persona of Gene Takovic is going to be more important than ever before.

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This image shows Gene, sporting of course his famous Cinnabon mustache, “suiting up” with one of Saul Goodman’s signature outfits. So what should we say about this? What is the big takeaway here? It does make us wonder if Gene is going to become Saul once more to get himself out of a bind. We’ve seen from the flash-forwards already that there is still a part of that in him, so clearly it has not gone away fully.

By the end of season 6, we imagine we’ll have answers on most things — we just want to see Jimmy happy, no matter what persona he chooses to inhabit. We know that he’s a guy who has done a number of terrible things, but he’s not the same as Walter White. He’s not motivated the same way. In Breaking Bad, we don’t think there was ever any doubt as to how that story could end. Here, the possibilities are all over the map.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Better Call Saul right now

What are you most excited to see when it comes to Better Call Saul season 6?

Does this key art make you even more excited for what is coming up next? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! After you do that, remember to stay at the site to get some more updates on the show and what lies ahead. (Photo: AMC.)

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