Snowpiercer season 3 episode 8 spoilers: Is Melanie alive?

Snowpiercer season 3

Is Snowpiercer season 3 episode 8 next week about to answer one of the show’s long-simmering questions, and give us some element of closure in the process?

We know that for most of the season, there have been questions all around the place regarding the fate of Jennifer Connally’s Melanie. Is she alive and if she is, how is that so? What has she been up to over the last little while? The promo below at least raises the question, even if we wouldn’t say there is anything in here that can be considered proof. What we would say is that this show has most likely had a plan for Melanie for quite some time. Think about it this way — if it was really the intention to just kill the character off and have that be it, why do anything that they’ve done the past several weeks? We’d argue that the writers would have been so much better off just tying up their loose ends and then allowing themselves to move forward some time ago. There really isn’t any need to do something different now.

Of course, episode 8 isn’t just about these questions; it’s also about a new threat hitting the train that could be putting all of their lives in jeopardy. If the promo below doesn’t indicate that, then the short synopsis here absolutely will:

As the train detours from New Eden, an environmental catastrophe threatens everyone onboard.

Since there already is a season 4 renewal and there’s nothing to worry about there, we suppose that the next few weeks are largely going to be about taking on the world of New Eden and then seeing if that can be evolved. Is there a larger narrative that can be set in this world, or is this train about to veer off-course all over again? At this point, we’d be prepared for almost anything.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Snowpiercer right now

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