Better Call Saul season 6: Bob Odenkirk on saying goodbye
So where should we begin with this? By recognizing that Jimmy’s not with Kim in the Breaking Bad timeline, which means that either she’s dead, she’s totally out of Jimmy’s life, she’s arrested, or she’s left New Mexico altogether. Meanwhile, we know he ends up in that Omaha Cinnamon and is constantly looking over his shoulder at every turn.
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Speaking to USA Today, Bob Odenkirk admitted that for him, it’s going to be hard to say goodbye to this iconic character, even though he’s extremely satisfied with the ending and loved the entirety of the journey he was on:
“I haven’t said goodbye to him. It’s going to take me a couple of months to realize that’s ended. It’s just strange … Without giving anything away, the ending is awesome. The journey, and where it went to, is very satisfying to me.”
It makes sense that Bob is still holding on to a certain extent, given that he’s played this character for six seasons here plus several on Breaking Bad. He’s continuously been in this universe longer than almost anyone at this point.
Are you going to have a hard time saying goodbye to Better Call Saul when it ends?
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