Power Book II: Ghost season 3: What could be in first trailer?
Within this piece, we want to take on what feels in some ways like a near-impossible challenge: Speculate as to what could in said trailer. After all, there are a lot of directions that the story could go, and that Starz could venture down in order to better promote the show further.
New Power Book IV: Force video! Take a look below to get some more thoughts on this past episode of the series. Once you do just that, be sure to also SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube. There will, after all, be some other insight coming on this show AND Power Book II down the road.
The first order of business for any Power Book II: Ghost trailer is giving us a proper update on where Tariq St. Patrick is in his life. Judging from the castings we’ve seen already, there’s a good chance that he is still at Stansfield. Not only that, but he will be trying to inch ever closer to getting that inheritance. We want to see some of the struggles at school, but them mirrored in some way with his criminal life. Remember what he is dealing with right now, whether it be the death of Mecca, what happened to Lauren, and whether or not the police will circle him in either of these.
Beyond all of this, we want a trailer to showcase Monet doing what she can to figure out what happened to Zeke, especially if all roads eventually lead to Lorenzo. Also, why not devote a few seconds to some supporting roles? Effie’s part to play in season 3 is bigger than ever thanks to what she did to Lauren; meanwhile, we may see Brayden more away from school and involved in Wall Street — which certainly could be a wealthy clientele for some of his and Tariq’s drugs.
Related – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Power Book II: Ghost right now
What do you most want to see featured in a Power Book II: Ghost season 3 trailer?
Be sure to share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, come back around — there are more updates ahead that you do not want to miss. (Photo: Starz.)