The Blacklist season 9 episode 10 photo: Reddington & Marvin talk
We know that “Arcane Wireless” is going to prove to be a tricky story for one Raymond Reddington, mostly as he tries to help a member of his team deal with a pretty difficult problem. Is going to be Marvin Gerard (Fisher Stevens), pictured above with James Spader? Maybe not, as we get more indications right now that it is Heddie (Aida Turturro) who will need a helping hand.
New The Blacklist video! – Take a look below to see some of our expectations for “Arcane Wireless” right now. Once you do just that, SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube — there are other updates ahead that we don’t want you to miss.
We certainly wonder what Reddington and Marvin are talking about from Reddington’s new “compound,” which is hilariously just a trailer. Can Marvin really be trusted? That remains one of the big questions that we’re left with when it comes to the night Liz Keen died. Remember that only a handful of people would have known where Reddington and Liz were on that night; also, remember that Marvin recently tortured Marvin thinking he was a traitor, even when that was not 100% the case. He has a motive, especially since he strongly objected to Liz taking over the criminal empire. He could have pulled some strings, and maybe Reddington suspects that.
Regardless of the role of Marvin within this episode, it’s mostly just nice to have Stevens around — remember, after all, that he’s a rather busy guy thanks to Succession and some other projects.
Do you have any big, bold predictions for The Blacklist season 9 episode 10 when it airs?
Be sure to share some of your thoughts on the matter below! Once you do just that, remember to come back to get some more insight that you aren’t going to want to miss. (Photo: NBC.)