Doctor Who season 14: Why Russell T. Davies is returning

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A little later this year, the time for Jodie Whittaker as the star of Doctor Who will be over — the same goes for showrunner Chris Chibnall. There is a significant changing of the guard coming, though in some ways, there’s a nostalgic quality to it, as well.

It has already been reported that Russell T. Davies is going to be stepping back in to the role of showrunner, which he had at one point many years ago. He’ll have the ability to choose the next Doctor and beyond that, figure out what stories that he wants to tell.

One thing that can be said with a certain degree of confidence is pretty simple: We’re not gearing up for the same exact era that we’ve seen in the past. In a new interview with the Radio Times, Davies confirmed that it was the allure of doing new things that excited him and made him want to sign back on for the role:

There are things coming up that are brand new ways of telling stories that have never been done before, so it just feels new – I wouldn’t have gone back if it wasn’t feeling new.

The new season of Doctor Who will most likely premiere in either 2023 or early 2024; there are still multiple specials left for Whittaker as The Doctor, and our hopes is that at some point over the next few months we’ll learn who she is regenerating into. We know that there are going to be dozens of rumored names that surface but in the end, sometimes the best candidate is the one who don’t hear that much about a long time before the show airs.

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What do you most want to see when it comes to the second iteration of Russell T. Davies as Doctor Who showrunner?

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