The Blacklist season 9 episode 10: Ready for more Marvin Gerard?
One of the things that goes without saying is that we love Fisher Stevens and would take as many episodes of him as possible. That’s especially true when you think about the current dilemma that Raymond Reddington faces. He knows that someone is responsible for telling Vandyke where Liz was located prior to her death. The question then becomes who that person ultimately was. Did it happen to be Gerard?
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The fact that Marvin is appearing on the next new episode is a sign that the show is at least not moving away from him as an important character within this world, which is good given that Reddington doesn’t have much of an inner circle at this point. Continuing to see him will be a way to showcase further if he is truly loyal, or if he set Reddington up after being interrogated and falsely accused during season 8.
Oh, and beyond anything that could be going on between Gerard and Reddington themselves in this episode, a “colleague” of James Spader’s character will be in trouble during episode 10. Could that be Gerard? Given that Aida Turturro is also guest-starring during this episode, it’s likely either Marvin or Heddie that needs Reddington’s assistance. (Could it be Heddie? No matter who told Vandyke, it’s someone who needed to know Reddington and Liz’s location to some degree — and that feels like a pretty small list, all things considered.)
What do you think is coming for Marvin on The Blacklist season 9 episode 10?
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