The Gilded Age season 1 episode 3 spoilers: George’s station in trouble

The Gilded Age season 1

In just 24 hours you’re going to have a chance to see The Gilded Age season 1 episode 3 on HBO — so what’s going to be coming up next? What is there to look forward to?

Tomorrow night’s episode is going to be sprawling and ambitious as anything that we’ve had a chance to see on the show so far. There’s a lot of major events to dive into, with the state of George’s rail station being a main component of the hour. What happens when it doesn’t attract the attention he expects? Meanwhile, is Peggy going to find success when it comes to her stories?

Because we are so early on in this season, we’re at a point where we don’t fully know any of the characters as of yet. What we’ve got right now can be best described as a tiny window into their souls, and we just have to hope that it’s going to expand to some extent from here on out.

To get some more news all about the story ahead, we suggest that you check out the full The Gilded Age season 1 episode 3 synopsis below:

An unfortunate development finds George’s new rail station under threat. Despite Agnes’ warnings, Marian continues to see Mr. Raikes, who lays his ambitions bare. Peggy learns that a publisher is interested in her stories. At a talk given by Clara Barton, Ada reunites with a childhood friend. Oscar grows attached to his plan, while Jack invites Bridget to a show.

We don’t see any of these stories as ones that will 100% be resolved in this episode; don’t be shocked if we’re stuck waiting to get from point A to point B. The whole point of The Gilded Age is to build up the relationships and also establish the world; fingers crossed that tomorrow’s episode will be successful in doing that.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to The Gilded Age right away

What do you want to see when it comes to The Gilded Age season 1 episode 3?

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