Power Book II: Ghost season 3 spoilers: Meet an intriguing new character!
According to a new report from Deadline, Petey McGee is going to be a heavily recurring presence on the latest season of the show. His role is that of Salim Ashe Freeman, described as a “Hotep grad student and TA at an Ivy League university.” Here’s the big question we’re set to wonder: Why are we getting to meet another university student away from Stansfield?
New Power Book II: Ghost video! Take a look below in the event you want our take on the most-recent episode of the show. Once you do just that, be sure to SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube — there are other updates ahead and we don’t want you missing them.
The most reasonable assumption we can make at the moment is that this character is somewhat linked to the story of Effie, which aligns with some of the claims that this character is going to have a substantially larger role over the course of these upcoming episodes. We know that she’s at a prestigious school separate from Tariq and the other characters, just as we’ve yet to see any evidence that this cover is blown.
Beyond this new addition, we know already that there are a number of other new/familiar faces we’ll be poised to see in season 3. For example, there is going to be a new professor brought in, which makes sense given that at this point, both Jabari and Carrie are dead and there’s no way a politician like Rashad Tate is going to be responsible of being a sole teacher to young students. Meanwhile, Blanca is going to come back to the franchise after being a very-important fixture from the end of the original Power.
Related – Get more news on Power Book II: Ghost right now, including a look towards the next episode
What do you most want to see moving into Power Book II: Ghost season 3?
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