The Blacklist season 9: Should we have more spotlight episodes?

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Just under one week ago, The Blacklist season 9 aired a story all about Dembe that may be the best we’ve seen in a while. Not only was there a compelling case in the present, but we understood more the reason for the rift between him and Reddington. It allowed us context into who these characters have been, plus who they could be in the future.

In between this and the Ressler episode “Between Sleep and Awake,” we’ve had two big spotlight episodes so far. Are more of them coming?

New The Blacklist video! Take a look below to get some other thoughts all about the most-recent episode of the series. We’re going to have more theories coming up soon, so SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube! That’s the best way to make sure you don’t miss any of them.

The first thing that we should say is that not every spotlight episode needs to be the same. Take, for example, Aram. It doesn’t seem as though anything deeply traumatic happened to him in the years following Liz’s death. However, he’s clearly worthy of a larger story. Amir Arison hasn’t had an incredibly-meaty arc to sink his teeth into in quite some time, and it would be rather fantastic if that were to change before long.

Meanwhile, we’d like to see something more from Park, as well, beyond her relationship with her husband. You can argue that both are deserving of a far greater arc than what they’ve had so far. While Cooper has not necessarily had his own episode per se, he’s had a large storyline and we’d wager he’s been far more prominent as of late than the past few seasons.

As for Reddington, he’s Reddington! It goes without saying in a way, but you’re always going to see plenty of him on the show.

Do you want even more spotlight episodes as we move further into The Blacklist season 9?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! After doing that, come back around to score some other updates on the series. (Photo: NBC.)

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