The Blacklist season 9: Do we need a new Big Bad in coming episodes?
Over the past few days, we’ve discussed at length the prospect of who is responsible for the death of Liz Keen. Obviously, Vandyke is the person who shot her, but how was he there in the first place? There are a lot of possibilities floating around out there, whether it be people we’ve met (Panabaker, Marvin, a somehow-alive Neville Townsend) or people we haven’t.
New The Blacklist video! Take a look below for our full take on season 9 episode 9. We’ll have more theories and breakdowns about the show soon, so SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube. That’s the best way to stay up-to-date on all of them!
Is it possible that the person responsible for this action is someone we haven’t even met yet? We certainly can’t rule that out, mostly due to the fact there are SO many blank spaces on the Blacklist and technically, that includes whoever is #2. We thought for a long time that this was Townsend, but if he’s dead, doesn’t that rule him out as a possibility? Maybe Reddington never put him on the list just because for a long time, they weren’t at each other’s throats?
The case for introducing a new character is that it’d give us a great, compelling new adversary moving forward — and we think a show like this always benefits from those. The problem comes down to who would want Liz dead in that moment. You can make the argument that it was more about hurting Reddington than killing Liz, but still, there’s the question of why we haven’t met this person. In the grand scheme of things, where have they been? Consider this all food for thought as we continue to ponder possibilities.
Do you think we need a new adversary as we move further into The Blacklist season 9?
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