How I Met Your Father season 1 episode 4: Josh Peck & the great mystery

How I Met Your Father

Next week on Hulu you’re going to have a chance to check out How I Met Your Father season 1 episode 4 — and with that, the great mystery for Sophie will expand further.

What we learned in episode 3 is that by and large, the writers are going to find some wiggle room for what they set up in the first two episodes. In those, it was revealed that Hilary Duff’s character actually spent time with her future father the night of the engagement party. That means that it could be Ian, Jesse, Sid, or Charlie, but there were also some parts of that night we didn’t quite see. That’s what we learned in this week’s episode as a flashback showed her briefly with Josh Peck’s character of Drew. He didn’t spend too much time with her other than lending her a phone charger, but that was enough for the central premise of the show to work.

Drew is a vice principal who she forged a closer connection with in episode 3 and at the moment, we expect for him to have a huge role moving into episode 4 and potentially beyond. On paper it seems like he’s a good match for her: He’s likable, seems interested in her, and has a good job. He also knows Jesse so there’s someone else who can vouch for him.

Of course, the big problem with the father being Drew is that it feels like it would eliminate a lot of the mystery here almost right away. We get the sense that Hulu would like this show to air for several seasons and with that in mind, there are likely a lot of different directions we’re going to see things go moving forward.

Let’s close with one more quick reminder that moving forward, we’re going to see one new episode per week.

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