The Blacklist season 9 episode 8 sneak peek: Park challenges Ressler
If you check out the new video via HollywoodLife, you can see a sneak peek that is all about the future for Donald Ressler. At the end of this past episode “Between Sleep and Awake,” he showed that he wants to move forward following the demons and struggles of the past. However, here’s the issue: Addiction isn’t something that you can flip a switch on and you’re instantly better. It lives within you, and that is something he’s having to deal with and reconcile at this point.
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The problem that Ressler has right now is that he has to get himself together — yet, it may take some time and determination. Park is clearly frustrated just because she helped Ressler fake the test, and now we understand why. She reveals in this preview that her mother struggled with addiction and she saw first-hand what losing her job did to her. Yet, she makes it clear that if Ressler can’t figure things out for himself soon, she’ll tell him about the drug test — even the part where she helped him fake it. Yes, accountability is hard, but that’s something she is willing to do at this point for the sake of making sure the job is safe. Ressler can’t be out there putting himself on the line if he’s compromised and she knows it.
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