Power Book II: Ghost season 2 episode 6 promo: After Tariq’s arrest…

Power Book II: Ghost season 2

As we prepare for Power Book II: Ghost season 2 episode 6 on Starz next week, one thing is abundantly clear: Tariq St. Patrick is in more trouble than ever before.

He’s in prison! It may have only been a matter of time until this happened, though the irony here is that he’s only guilty of one of the two crimes he’s accused of doing. He didn’t have anything to with what happened to Ramirez, but he is responsible for killing Jabari Reynolds. The challenge is figuring out his next move.

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Think about it like this: If you are Tariq, how do you get yourself out of this position when there’s so much evidence pointing your way? Davis may be able to help to a certain extent, but we know that Jabari wrote about a character who was similar to Tariq. There’s also the badge that was in his dorm room! At the moment, the biggest thing Michael Rainey Jr.’s character may be hoping for is that there’s not enough concrete evidence to implicate him. There can be an argument that there was enough to bring him in, but will the bade hold up as enough in court?

As for what else is going down, the show’s January 6 return should feature what the dynamic is with Lorenzo finally out of prison. He seems to give some credit to Cane for helping to hold down the metaphorical fort while he was away in jail.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Power Book II: Ghost right now

What do you most want to see when it comes to Power Book II: Ghost season 2 episode 6?

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