The Blacklist season 9 episode 7: Is a big Donald Ressler episode coming?
So what do we know for sure about it? For starters, it’s the first conceptual episode of the season. The title is “Between Sleep and Awake,” which means that this isn’t going to be so much about a Blacklister as it is a single character or story. There’s also a legitimate chance that Donald Ressler could be at the core of everything we see coming up.
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The biggest argument for The Blacklist season 9 episode 7 being Ressler-centric is pretty simple: He wasn’t present in episode 6. It’s possible that the show filmed episode 7 concurrently with episode 6, and that gave Ressler a chance to have his own spotlight. We also know that the character had a personal day, so we may be seeing what he was up to in that time.
Of course, it’d also be valuable to learn where Ressler was over the past couple of years, and how we found him in the place that he was. He clearly took the death of Liz hard, and got addicted to pills in the process. We know that this was a part of his past that he also tried to tackle, so this could be a fantastic opportunity to get inside his head.
In general, we’re all for giving Diego Klattenhoff some great material — we also think that for at least this season, it could be fun to give each major character their own episode to shine. It’d be great to see Aram have a spotlight like this of his own.
Do you want The Blacklist season 9 episode 7 to be a big Donald Ressler episode?
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