Power Book II: Ghost season 2 episode 5: Will there be a big cliffhanger?
So where can we start off here? How about with the fact that this is likely the last new episode for a couple of weeks?
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In an Instagram Live this week show creator Courtney Kemp confirmed what a lot of us have known for a good while now: There is a midseason break coming up shortly. Because of the holidays, it’s fair to assume that episode 5 is it for now and that the series will return on the other side of the new year.
Because of all this, we think it’s all the more essential the writers leave us off on something big … but what could it be? One of the easier things to imagine is Zeke getting formally arrested. The cops are already eyeballing him and while Monet may be trying to help him out, that may not happen in time. Another one could be the police finding the badge that Cane hid in Tariq’s room — that’s his insurance policy to make sure he doesn’t go down for some of the crimes.
While we could envision a scenario where episode 5 ends with Lorenzo’s release or with something big for Mecca and Monet, it still feels like we’re too early in the process for some of that. There’s plenty of time for those stories to slow-burn and play out as we get closer to the finale.
Related – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Power Book II: Ghost right now
Do you think there will be a big cliffhanger at the end of Power Book II: Ghost season 2 episode 5?
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