Power Book II: Ghost season 2 episode 4: Will Lorenzo get out of prison?
So is this going to happen? We have a feeling that Davis and Saxe are going to do everything they can to help him all of a sudden … and mostly because they are seeing dollar signs. If they have a chance to pad their own bank accounts a little bit, aren’t they going to do it? Saxe also recognizes that the head prosecutor had a spotty history, and he seems more than ready to exploit that moving forward.
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So where’s the value in bringing Lorenzo out of prison now? For starters, we think that it’s going to ignite ALL sorts of chaos in this world moving forward and we’re more than a little bit excited about that. He’s a powerful guy and we think there would be a LOT of clashes between him and Monet, who has really picked up the business in his absence.
Also, there’s another interesting wrinkle to think about here: Mecca. It’s clear that he and Monet have a history, and we could also see some of that explored moving forward. If Lorenzo does get out, what does he know about Mecca? Is there going to be a rivalry that plays out there? We’re also ready to learn about that … but we’ll have to see if that happens.
Related – Check out some more news when it comes to Power Book II: Ghost right now
What do you think is going to transpire moving into Power Book II: Ghost season 2 episode 4?
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