The Blacklist season 9 episode 6 photo: More drama for Park, Peter
For the sake of this article, though, let’s put the focus on Park and her husband Peter. After all, they could be facing one of their most emotional storylines yet. Just think in terms of what happened on this past episode, where it was revealed that Park was pregnant but, tragically, lost the baby. All of this happened amidst all of the drama out in the field, and this was a place that Park promised she wasn’t going to go.
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Can the relationship between these two characters survive this latest round of distrust? It’s going to be hard, but the truth is that we really don’t know Peter all that well. Because of this very thing, we honestly have a hard time predicting what he’s going to do; yet, he seems lost in his own thoughts in the photo above, and not being altogether attentive at all of what Park is going through. This is going in a dark place, so we’d go ahead and prepare for that in advance.
Of course, we could say the same thing about a lot of different stories going on at the moment. We can’t say that we’re altogether confident in Ressler not facing any more ramifications for that drug test stunt; or, that Reddington and Dembe are ever going to be able to patch things up. This episode is supposed to be the fall finale, though, so brace yourself for some big swings in advance.
What do you think is coming on The Blacklist season 9 episode 6?
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