Doctor Who: Flux episode 5 spoilers: The last before the finale
This past week, the BBC confirmed that Jodie Whittaker’s final episode is going to air next year — hopefully over the next several months we hear more stories about future successors and what could be coming up next. For the time being, though, let’s just focus on where things are at present. There’s a lot to look forward to! Be prepared for some epic battles, surprising twists, and for The Doctor’s companions to face more danger than ever before this season.
While the Doctor Who: Flux episode 5 synopsis is far from substantial, it at least gives you a small sense of what could be coming up next:
As the forces of evil mass, the Doctor, Yaz and Dan face impossible odds.
By the end of this episode, we’re going to go ahead and say that you’ll see a few dramatic surprises as the “forces of evil” band together like never before. Because the story of Flux has been such a detour from what this show is used to, we tend to imagine that they are going to go bigger and bolder than ever to try and pay things off. Let’s hope that they are able to do just that, and continue to surprise at each and every step.
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What do you most want to see when it comes to Doctor Who: Flux episode 5?
How do you think that everything is going to play out, and where do you think things will go in the finale? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do, stick around — there are more updates coming and we don’t want you to miss them. (Photo: BBC One.)