Magnum PI season 4 episode 7 video: Is Rick avoiding Magnum?
Rick now knows that the feds are after his childhood friend Robbie — not only that, but they want his help in ensuring he is taken down. It’s a hard spot for him to be in, and the emotions associated with all of this are causing him to isolate from some of the people closest to him. For a little bit more on that, be sure to check out the sneak peek below!
In this preview, Rick is clearly trying to clear his head and with that, he’s off doing something that plenty of people do to relax in Hawaii: Trying to surf. (For the record, we would drown in about five seconds doing this.) You can tell there’s a lot on his mind, and that is reverberated further when Magnum shows up and tries to talk with him. Rick plays coy about what’s actually going on, other than saying that he can handle it himself.
Of course, do you really think that this is something that Magnum will allow him to do? Judging from what we know about Thomas, he’s going to get involved and there’s nothing that Rick can do about it. He’d also be right to involve him, given that if the two can pool their resources, they’ll have a much better chance of actually getting some answers here. If Robbie really is responsible for a lot of criminal activity, he does have to be stopped — even if our heart goes out to Rick every step of the way for it.
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