The Bachelorette episode 4 spoilers: Michelle Young, Joe, & snacks!

The Bachelorette, Joe

Tuesday night will bring The Bachelorette episode 4 to ABC, and to go along with it, some more romance for Michelle Young! With both Jamie and Peter out of the equation, we’d love to imagine that there are some happier times coming her way.

To some extent, maybe that is the case — if nothing else, it is in the sneak peek below. In this video, you can see Michelle spend a little bit of time with Joe, a man considered to be one of the favorites to go really far this season. He’s a different sort of guy than anyone else we’ve seen all season: He’s quiet, soft-spoken, but also confident and heartfelt. You don’t see a lot of people with his demeanor on the show, but he’s got a natural connection to Michelle. Not only that, but there’s a reason for the two to think about a future — they are both in Minnesota!

In this preview, Joe does his best to make Michelle feel special by fulfilling a promise: Getting her something that she wanted in snacks. Let’s face it — filming blocks are long for this show and often, people don’t eat for a good stretch of time! Even on the dinner portions of the one-on-one dates where you see people sitting in front of food, very rarely do they actually eat. It’s more of a production illusion since really, nobody wants to watch people have lengthy meals on TV.

The best thing for Joe at this point is that Jamie’s gone, especially since he was the one stirring up most of that trouble in the first place. Who cares if Michelle may have DMed him before the show? If that’s the whole history of their connection it doesn’t inform anything all that much.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to The Bachelorette right now

What do you think will happen with Joe and Michelle Young over The Bachelorette episode 4?

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This article was written by Jess Carter. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.

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