The Blacklist season 9 episode 5 spoilers: Dembe, Reddington conflict
Are we about to learn more about why Dembe and Reddington separated six months after the death of Liz, or what led Hisham Tawfiq’s character to become an FBI agent? We can’t confirm any of that; yet, we’re starting to get a sense that Dembe’s new career could pose some problems as the Bureau and Reddington work on a new case. That makes sense, given that it’s a pretty-hard sell for someone tied to so much crime trying to also be within federal law enforcement.
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Be prepared for some of this drama to play out on the fifth episode of season 9 airing on Thursday, November 18, one that comes bearing the title of “Benjamin T. Okara.” For a few more details, take a look at the synopsis below:
11/18/2021 (08:00PM – 09:00PM) (Thursday) : Dembe’s position as an FBI agent causes complications for Red as the Task Force handles a case involving military technology. Cooper and Park each find their personal lives increasingly complicated.
The storylines for Cooper and Park are reasonably-easy to chart. In the case of Harold, he’s trying to be a parental figure to Liz’s daughter Agnes in the midst of everything that is going on. How long will that last? Meanwhile, Park’s marriage seems to be falling apart rather fast, mostly because she’s operating out in the field while downplaying it significantly to her husband Peter. Either they’re going to have to find a compromise or something is bound to fall apart.
What do you most want to see on The Blacklist season 9 episode 5 when it airs on NBC?
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