The Blacklist season 9 episode 3: What is the show doing with Weecha?

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We’re going to be entering The Blacklist season 9 episode 3 on NBC this Thursday, so is it time to finally figure things out with Weecha?

Our initial action when we met the character was something along the lines of “okay, she’s a little out there.” That changed significantly when we heard the condescending attitude she’s shown towards others. Why was she so cold to Dembe? Why, in general, does Reddington need her? In one way, we do understand why you can look towards her and say “oh, this is the new Dembe” — but is there something more here?

New The Blacklist video! Check out some of our current thoughts entering episode 3 below! Once you do watch that, we suggest that you SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube. We’ll be here on Thursday, after all, to break the latest episode down.

What we need from Weecha as a character at this point is fairly simple: Some sort of backstory. Take, for example, why she’s with Reddington, or what she’s getting out of this in some way. What is her own endgame? Why are we meant to care about her?

We recognize that we are only two episodes in at this point, and it’s certainly possible that the writers are slow-playing all of this given that they initially did something similar with Dembe in the early days. The difference between here and now, though, is that in the early seasons, we didn’t really know anyone all that well. It’s a totally different dynamic now that we know so many of the other characters, and it causes Weecha to stand out more like a sore thumb.

Do we really have to like the character? No, but at the very least we should understand her better.

Where do you think things are going entering The Blacklist season 9 episode 3?

Also, when do you think we will be hearing about Weecha? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, be sure to stick around — there are more updates coming and we don’t want you to miss them. (Photo: NBC.)

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