The Mating Game season 2: Is it renewed, canceled on BBC One?
It goes without saying that there will be viewers out there eager to get more of this particular show, largely due to the pedigree of Sir David Attenborough. Is there anyone more iconic when it comes to nature documentaries this century? There are a number of fantastic shows that the network has put on the air, with so many of them focusing on different parts of the environment. There is always more story to be told with the vast nature of Planet Earth considered, but we don’t think that directly translates over to The Mating Game season 2 — at least at the moment.
Instead, we think it’s a little more likely that we’ll see new episodes surface in some other forms — take, for example, a different nature documentary focusing on a slightly separate subject. This is something that we more than expect over the next few years, and it’s largely a measure of when it happens and what it will be about. The great thing about shows like The Mating Game, though, is that it is easily worthy of a re-watch. Even if you don’t check it out again in its entirety, the setting and the scenery is so stunning that it’s easy to get sucked back in to, at the very least, having the show on.
Ultimately, we’ll let you know if something else does happen when it comes to The Mating Game — for the time being, though, we’d encourage you to exercise some caution if you’re hyping yourself up TOO much over what could be coming.
Related – Be sure to get some more news right now when it comes to The Mating Game
Do you want to see The Mating Game season 2 happen?
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