Colin in Black and White season 2: Is it renewed, canceled at Netflix?
Let’s talk, first and foremost, about what the plan was for the Colin Kaepernick story from the jump: It was billed to be a limited series, and that means something with a clearly-defined beginning, middle, and end. There wasn’t a plan going into this for there to be another season and with that in mind, we have to imagine that this is the end.
Now that we’ve said all of this … do we think that the door is closed fully on some sort of follow-up? Hardly. The story of Kaepernick is one that has generated headlines aplenty over the past several years alone, and we could easily see something more happen down the road that focuses more on his NFL days or some of the controversy that eventually surrounded him. We do think even more of his life could someday be adapted, but we also don’t think that there will be an immediate rush to put some of this on-screen.
After all, remember that Kaepernick’s story is still far from over in the present. We don’t know if the rest of it would be told in the same way, but it’s absolutely still something to be considered and actively think about for a good while.
Ultimately, let’s just wait and see what the total audience is going to be for Colin in Black and White before we start to think a little bit beyond it. The show just came out overnight, and we know already that Netflix series that succeed the most do so because of positive word-of-mouth over time. Just look at Squid Game as a prime example.
Do you want to see a Colin in Black and White season 2 at some point down the road?
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