Chicago Fire season 10 episode 7 spoilers: Severide’s search

Chicago Fire

As we prepare for Chicago Fire season 10 episode 7 airing on NBC next week, the first thing to mention here is obvious: Casey’s still gone. We’d love for him to be back but unfortunately, that’s simply not the case. As a matter of fact, it looks like the show is doing whatever it can to move forward. That includes bringing in a new, temporary lieutenant — and it remains to be seen whether or not they become permanent.

Unfortunately for this new arrival, they’re going to find that not everyone out there is eager to welcome them with open arms. As a matter of fact, brace yourself for all sorts of conflict around every turn.

For a few more details now on where the journey here is going to take us, check out the full Chicago Fire season 10 episode 7 synopsis below:

11/03/2021 (09:00PM – 10:00PM) (Wednesday) : Gallo clashes with the new lieutenant temporarily filling in for Casey. Severide closes in on a dangerous and deadly arsonist. TV-14

By having Severide do some arson investigations right now, Chicago Fire is at least leaning into something familiar — something that it probably needs at this particular point. It’s going to take some time adjusting to whatever Chicago Fire will be without Casey. Also, we don’t get the sense that the writers are going to rush into finding a proper replacement here, either. They will do their part in order to figure out the right person for his job and then see where the narrative takes them.

Ultimately, the most important thing to report right now is that we’ve got at least two more episodes to go until the fall run is over — and maybe more than that, given that no fall finale has been 100% confirmed as of this writing.

Related Be sure to get some other updates when it comes to Chicago Fire right now

What do you most want to see when it comes to Chicago Fire season 10 episode 7?

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