YOU season 3 episode 8: The Sherry and Cary debacle

YOU season 3

YOU season 3 episode 8 may be one of the more curious episodes of the entire season 3 run on Netflix. Almost everything transpired in exactly the way you would expect.

Yet, was the episode still entertaining for the sheer ridiculousness of it? Almost the entirety of this episode was built around Joe and Love hosting a swinger-party with Sherry and Cary, one that included a bizarre mirror episode, a safe word, and eventually, Joe and Love each knocking out the two people they were supposed to spend a part of their night with.

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What this whole episode was indicative of was why Joe and Love will never work, even if they had a good bit in common on paper: They each want and envision different things. When it comes to Joe, for example, he routinely imagines himself with someone who can bring out his “true” self — which is really just a lie. He thinks that he can have this romantic ideal that just doesn’t exist because it’s not something that exists. He wants someone to be his savior and when Love embraced the darkness in him, he had to pivot towards Marienne instead.

Meanwhile, Love wants nothing more than to make things work with Joe — mostly because she thinks that he will be the one to understand her. She’s not trying to be someone else or embracing some ideal. Her embracing the idea of a swingers’ party was her last-ditch attempt at finding the lost passion with Joe. The moment she realized he was thinking of a new obsession in that room with Sherry, she realized further just how close they were to being at the end.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to YOU right now

What did you think about YOU season 3 episode 8?

Was the writing on the wall here the moment that these four got together? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, stick around — there are other updates on the way and we don’t want you missing any of them. (Photo: Netflix.)

This article was written by Jess Carter. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.

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