The Blacklist season 9: Why did Reddington, Dembe split up?
For most of the first eight episodes, we hardly ever saw one character without the other; there was a small stretch where Dembe left to rediscover his purpose but by and large, that was it. During the premiere it was made clear that Dembe and Reddington had not been around each other in a year and a half; what gives with that? Are we going to get an explanation?
Watch our The Blacklist season 9 premiere review! Below, you can see all of the big thoughts we had immediately following “The Skinner.” Once you do check that out, we also suggest that you SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube; there are other updates on the way and we don’t want you to miss them.
Luckily, it does sound as though more information is coming in due time. In a post on Twitter, Hisham Tawfiq (who plays Dembe) responded to a fan question about why Reddington and Dembe split up with a simple “stay tuned.” That’s a pretty clear indicator that some answers are coming.
As for when, we still think that some patience could be required. We’d rather have a full episode that dives more into it than something explained away in a line or two of exposition. Some of it may just be due to Reddington’s mentality. For so much of his life, his simple goal was protecting Liz Keen at all costs. When that character died, so did that particular purpose. Everything for him then changed, and maybe he saw that Dembe had a higher purpose elsewhere.
No matter what happened, we think it’s clear that there is still some love and care present here; Reddington was still at his bedside in the hospital.
What do you think happened between Reddington and Dembe in the past?
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