American Horror Story: Double Feature finale: Did the aliens win?
Near the end of the episode, Kendall ended up giving birth to what was the “perfect” specimen: The human / alien hybrid that could be used in order to repopulate the entire human race. She was then used as effectively a machine to produce more — or at least that was the plan of Valiant Thor. He tricked Mamie into thinking that there was a different endgame — heck, even Theta didn’t know the truth.
New American Horror Story: Double Feature video! Take a look below for some more thoughts all about the series. Once you do just that, remember to SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube; we’ve got all sorts of other coverage on the franchise coming up…
With about ten minutes left, we found ourselves in a very weird spot: Having to see whether or not Mamie and Theta could team up and actually save the world. Could the two do it with the help of Calico? Well, she wanted to do her best to (somehow) figure it out. The problem is that Theta, despite first being game to help her out, betrayed her. Calico also was Team Alien, thinking that she’d seen people at their worst and there was no sense keeping them around.
It’s hard to know exactly what to think coming out of Double Feature, given that this is the end of some sort of freakish hallucination. The aliens won, humanity lost, Mamie was beheaded, and Calico gets to be the only major survivor for all humanity.
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