Golden Globes rankings: Will ‘The Big Bang Theory,’ ‘Girls’ defeat ‘Modern Family’?

The Big Bang TheoryAs we near the 2013 Golden Globe Awards airing on NBC next Sunday, we’ll be presenting at least one category a day for us to debate not only what shows are the contenders to win some of the individual awards, but also what shows have literally little to no chance at all.

We’re going to start with the comedy category, mostly because for whatever reason the Globes think of comedies like what they are a pre-Hogwarts Harry Potter: just locked away somewhere where they can pretend they don’t exist. Sometimes we wonder whether or not the voters think that they are required to name a musical every year, or if they have ever heard of a show called “Parks and Recreation.” Or “Community.” Or “Louie.” “Episodes” is a fine show, but how is it nominated over these other three?

Note that these rankings are based on what has the best odds of actually winning the award for Best Television Series – Comedy or Musical, and not necessarily what our personal favorites are.

5. “Smash” (NBC) – Was this voted in as a joke? Had somebody written on the ballad “Smash Hit Parks and Recreation,” and voters thought they were picking a different show? We can’t figure out how this unholy mess got nominated, and it has no chance whatsoever of winning.

4. “Episodes” (Showtime) – As we said, Matt LeBlanc has a fine show on his hands here. But we don’t necessarily understand how the Globes love this show consistently more than they love “Louie.” Or “Veep.” Or “Happy Endings.” Do we need to keep going?

3. “The Big Bang Theory” (CBS) – The fact that this series recently set a series high with a 6.1 rating in the 18-49 demographic could help it, since even elitists cannot ignore what has become such a cultural phenomenon. Oh, and it certainly doesn’t hurt that this is a very funny show and our personal favorite of the bunch (at least of the nominees). The only thing holding it back is another mainstream show that voters may pick by default.

2. “Girls” (HBO) – “Girls” is young, it’s trendy, and it has a star on the rise in Lena Dunham. If the voters want to look cool, this is probably the show that they will pick, and if “Modern Family” and “The Big Bang Theory” cancel each other out, this could be the show left standing. The fact that it premieres season 2 on the same night as the Globes is a funny coincidence, and we would not be surprised at all if it pulls the upset.

1. “Modern Family” (ABC) – It’s more vulnerable now than it has been in years, largely because it is suffering massively at this point from awards-show fatigue. It’s like watching the same team win the Super Bowl again and again; as good as “Modern Family” is, you do eventually want to see another team win. However, it still has to be the favorite as the reigning champ, especially if voters just gloss over comedies and pick the show that’s the most familiar to them.

Who is your pick to win? Be sure to vote in the poll below!

Photo: CBS


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