Power Book II: Ghost trailer teases Kanan Stark ‘return’ & more
Also, it looks like you’re going to be seeing a familiar face turn up in 50 Cent as Kanan Stark — not that this should be all big of a surprise! He turns up near the end of the trailer and ultimately, we’re looking at him from inside Tariq’s head. This is something we could see throughout the series, as he served as a big influence on Michael Rainey Jr.’s character near the end of his life. He’s more of the person Tariq wanted to be than his late father, and it still feels like, at least to some extent, that he’s trying to prove himself.
New Raising Kanan video! If you haven’t seen our take on the end of season 1 as of yet, be sure to do that below! Once you watch, SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube; there are more updates coming and we don’t want you to miss any of them.
The trailer indicates that season 2 will be kicking off fairly soon after the events of the season 1 finale, which means that Tariq will be struggling to contain the chaos after the death of Jabari. Carrie and others will start an investigation into what happened, and Tariq better be prepared for some heat to come his way. Meanwhile, you’re also going to see potentially David and Cooper Save team up following the latter’s season 1 decision, and Money will continue to build her empire with Tariq as a part of it.
This season will serve as the first chance for Tariq to really go it alone in this world. Even when she was in prison, he always had his mother Tasha to rely on or speak to; that’s gone now thanks to her entering witness protection. He’s going to use a lot of the lessons that he’s learned, but do the ends really justify the means? Well, the promo art above discusses that for a very specific reason…
What do you most want to see when it comes to Power Book II: Ghost season 2?
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