The Blacklist season 9 promo: The importance of Reddington, Ressler

The Blacklist season 9 art

Even though the first The Blacklist season 9 promo is only 15 seconds long, there’s still a lot to mine from it! We’ve discussed already the altered appearance for one Raymond Reddington so here, we’ve got another intriguing subject worth some discussion: The relationship between James Spader’s character and Donald Ressler.

If you watched the first eight seasons, then you know already that these two characters have a rather checkered history, and that is putting it mildly. The two have not always liked each other; as a matter of fact, Ressler was after Reddington before Liz was ever in the picture. If there was one thing he wanted more than anything else in the world, it was to get the Concierge of Crime behind bars.

New The Blacklist video! Take a look below to get some more discussion all about the most-recent season 9 promo. Once you do just that, SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube; we have so much coverage of the show coming your way and don’t want you to miss any of it!

When you think about all of this, it does make the central premise of season 9, as teased in the promo, all the more intriguing. Following the death of Liz, it does feel right now that Reddington is trying to steer clear of anything and everything to do with his old life. He’s hiding out, and nobody from the Task Force has seemingly been in contact with him at all.

Of course, that’s before one Donald Ressler tracks him down! It’s explicit within the promo that Ressler is the one who finds Reddington and makes it clear that he needs him to come back for something. The premiere synopsis notes that someone gets hurt in the line of duty; with that in mind, it’s possible that Cooper, Park, or Aram may have gotten injured and Diego Klattenhoff’s character recognizes that he needs a little bit of help. While Ressler and Reddington may have once been enemies, Donald is willing to swallow his pride; also, both of them loved Liz in their own way. They each have a common bond that no one else would understand.

What do you think the relationship between Reddington and Ressler will look like moving into The Blacklist season 9?

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