Chicago Med season 7 episode 2 promo: The hospital at capacity!
In the promo below, you can see some of this situation play out as Dean Archer gets increasingly frustrated by a Dylan Scott pushing him. Dean’s taking a “what can I do?” approach to the problem — it’s understandable that having a hospital full of patients can be rather stressful, but you still have to show them all a certain measure of care. Dr. Scott accuses him of making the place into a fast-food drive-thru, one where patients come in, get treated, and are then shipped out without much in the way of thought or care. This isn’t how Dylan does business — we may not know that much about him as of yet, but at least this part of the equation is clear.
In general, it feels fair to expect tension between all of the doctors and Archer for at least a little while. There is, for starters, the way in which he earned this promotion — suffice it to say, that’s a little bit controversial. Beyond just that, there is some of what he is doing now that he has it. You can make the case that he is thinking about revenue more than patients and that he’s never quite fit in ever since coming on board.
With all of this spelled out, we will say that Steven Weber is proving to be a great addition to this show — even if he’s a doctor and theoretically saves lives, that doesn’t make him less of an adversary. It’s rather nice to have this character be a part of the mix here!
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