American Horror Story: Double Feature episode 5: Will Adina Porter return?
Based on what we saw of the character at the end of episode 4, it’s fair to say the police chief is no longer in the land of the living. A very-hungry Alma decided to devour her rather than do anything to put suspicion on herself or Harry. It’s an important demise given that Burleson was one of the few people who could have worked to put a stop to the whole black-pill operation. Now, are we stuck relying on someone like Doris? What about Karen?
Check out a recent American Horror Story: Double Feature video! There’s a lot of big stuff on the show that we get into in the video below. Once you do take a look at it, remember to also SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube. There are, after all, more discussions coming after some upcoming installments.
No matter what direction the story of American Horror Story: Double Feature returns in, there is always a chance we see her again — even after the flashback episode. Check out what she had to say recently to the New York Post:
“Well, there are scenes that I act in, and then there’s what the editor creates. So, I’m never going to say never. So who knows. I could come back as anything.”
Ultimately, Porter may just be acting cryptic for the purpose of keeping secrets; another possibility is that she turns up in “Death Valley,” the second part of this Double Feature that will kick off in a couple of weeks. No matter where the story goes, it at least feels like we’re getting the best season of the franchise we’ve had in a good while.
Related – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to American Horror Story: Double Feature right now
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This article was written by Jess Carter. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.