Nine Perfect Strangers episode 7 preview: The last before finale

Nine Perfect Strangers season 1

Next week Nine Perfect Strangers episode 7 will arrive on Hulu, and all signs suggest that it’s going to be weird. Very weird. After all, what would this show be if it wasn’t?

As we prepare for this upcoming episode, it still feels like there’s so much more that we need to learn with Masha. We did just learn about some of the tragedy within her past, but does that really explain her actions in the present? She’s trying to gain something out of these treatments at Tranquillum House but it’s still not entirely clear what that something is. The same goes for how some of her patients continue to go along with her ever-increasing intense experiments. The show just gets stranger and stranger, which feels about right given its title.

It is, of course, noteworthy that episode 7 is the penultimate one of the series. Whatever happens here has to carry directly over to the finale, and we can only hope that there’s a little more closure wrapped up in these. Maybe someone will find a way to stop Tranquillum House altogether; there doesn’t seem to be any satisfactory result coming for any of these people and things at this house are probably only going to go from bad to worse. We don’t see any particular hope for a reversal based on where things are right now. Masha may have some sympathetic parts of her past, but none of it changes what she’s done in the present.

Is two episodes enough time to wrap up everything that we’ve seen over the past several weeks? That’s a hard question to answer at present, but it is certainly a concern given that there’s very little chance at a season 2 given the limited-series billing here.

What do you most want to see when it comes to Nine Perfect Strangers episode 7?

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Photo: Hulu.

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