Guilt episode 3, episode 4 preview (PBS): Answers on Walter’s death


Want to get a good sense of what’s coming on Guilt episode 3, or Guilt episode 4 after the fact? The next two episodes are coming to PBS! Not only that, but you’re going to have a chance to see them, one right after the next. This is going to be a chance to get closure to what is, fundamentally, a four-part Scottish drama. There’s intrigue, questions, answers, and a whole lot more coming. For the record, we also think it was a smart move by the network / Masterpiece to program things this way. This allowed them the opportunity to get these episodes out there before the start of the fall season on network TV — or, before NFL programming starts to get too far into its run.

Are you curious to get a few more bits and pieces for what’s coming? Then we suggest checking out BOTH of the synopses below…

Episode 3 – Spurred by Angie, Jakes probes Max’s control of his finances. Jake also grows suspicious of Angie. Roy tightens the screws on Max by threatening Jake.

Episode 4 – With facts surrounding Walter’s death increasingly in question, Max risks it all to come out on top. Jake and Angie also take a gamble. Claire cuts her losses.

One of the great things about Guilt being only four parts is that it ensures that the entirety of the story moves quickly. After all, it has to! There’s no other choice as we go from point A to point B to the moment that we can finally catch our breath once more.

For those of you who love some other British dramas airing stateside, remember that there are some other great things worth looking forward to. Take, for example, a chance to check out the return of Call the Midwife! It’s going to be back on the air soon, and that’s before we even get to the annual Christmas Special.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Guilt right now

What did you most want to see when it comes to Guilt episode 3 or episode 4?

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