Is Last Week Tonight with John Oliver new tonight on HBO, September 5?

Last Week Tonight

Is Last Week Tonight with John Oliver new tonight on HBO, and are we about to see the show’s host back in the studio? We have a few different things to break down within this piece.

The first order of business in this article is, of course, talking about the status of the show itself: There is no new Last Week Tonight on the air for another week. This is a part of a planned hiatus, and but it’s one that has a cool result on the other side. Next week does mark the return of Oliver to the studio for the first time in eighteen months; he’s been doing shows remotely from a “blank void” and through all of it, tried to make the best of the situation put in front of him. We’ve had some really funny segments there and the producers exercised their creativity to the best of their ability.

So how much will change when Oliver returns to the studio next week? It remains to be seen how much of an audience will be there, but that’s of course one thing that could be different following the move to the studio. In addition to that, there’s also a chance that we could see some more ambitious segments since there could be more of a crew present for the tapings. It could also mean a tape time a little bit closer to the premiere. One of the major disadvantages of recording episodes remotely is that Last Week Tonight was forced to tape on Saturdays; that means that they had to cover breaking news like the events in Afghanistan in a slightly different way.

Before we wrap this piece up, let’s give a nice round of applause to the Last Week Tonight producers for finding a way to keep the show going away from a studio for so long. While it wasn’t the same exact series we’d seen in the past. There were still plenty of reasons for laughter and memorable moments.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Last Week Tonight

What do you want to see on Last Week Tonight with John Oliver when it returns?

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