The Good Fight season 6 premiere date hopes at Paramount+

Following today’s finale, are you curious to learn The Good Fight season 6 premiere date, or at least have a better sense of it? Of course, we have a number of things to talk through here!

So where do we begin? It feels like the best thing to do is to start off with the facts: There is another season coming to Paramount+! This was confirmed previously and with that in mind, at least you don’t have to worry about the long-term future of the show. The longevity of the series is rather impressive, especially when you consider how tumultuous this overall journey has been so far. The Good Fight started as more of a straight-up spin-off of The Good Wife and wasn’t anywhere near as satirical as it’s since become. The show has taken enormous creative swings and become far more political over time, and much of it has led to positive reviews.

Now, let’s get to the premiere-date side of things. At the time of this writing it’s of course far to early to specify as to when The Good Fight is going to be coming back on the air. Our hope is that you’ll see it at some point in the summer of 2022, and that feels at least the most feasible for production to pull off. With vaccinations now widespread we don’t anticipate too many enormous production delays; it’s largely about getting the right story together and then making sure everything is to your liking creatively.

Odds are, more substantial news about season 6 will be announced in the spring. There’s really no need for Paramount+ to rush anything along at this given point in time. Patience is going to be a pretty-important virtue here.

What do you most want to see on The Good Fight season 6?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! After you do just that, remember to stick around — there are some other updates ahead and of course, we don’t want you to miss any of them.

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