Doctor Who season 13: Who will pick new showrunner?
So who is going to be responsible for making some of these changes happen? Let’s just say that this is a complicated arrangement, but you can look towards BBC Studios and network itself as the responsible parties.
Speaking in the latest issue of Doctor Who Magazine (per the Radio Times), here is some of what Chibnall had to say on this very subject:
“The big change that happened during our tenure has been Doctor Who being produced through BBC Studios, rather than the BBC’s in-house Drama Department … It’s a difference which won’t really have affected how you view the show, but it affects the process by which the programme is made, managed and planned strategically.
“The appointment of a new showrunner is a commercially sensitive decision (way above the pay grade of an incumbent showrunner) so it’ll be a joint decision between BBC Studios and the top decision-makers at the BBC.”
We don’t think you’re going to get an announcement on this anytime soon, just like we don’t think we’re going to be getting any more insight on the new Doctor, either, in this calendar year. The BBC is going to want people to enjoy the current season without too many distractions. Leading up to Whittaker and Chibnall’s final episode is when you could start to intrigue. While these announcements sometimes leak out, they usually don’t happen until close to the last minute.
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