9-1-1 season 5 teaser: First look at a blackout in Los Angeles

911 season 2

In the event you didn’t know already, 9-1-1 season 5 is going to have another huge event early on this season. We’ve seen tidal waves and all sorts of natural disasters over time, but for the sake of this season, we’re looking primarily at a blackout.

As you would imagine, a crisis like this can cause a LOT of different problems — and you can see some of them in the new teaser below. The moment that the city lights start to go out in Los Angeles, you see more and more accidents as a result. There’s a lot of chaos, noise, and panic that settles in, and it’s probably going to take more than just our small handful of heroes in order to save the day.

So when will this blackout actually happen? We would anticipate that the pattern of past seasons will play out once more here — we’ll probably see the beginnings of the drama take place at the end of the premiere. It’s hard to see the show start off with this, given that there are a few things that need to be tied up first from the end of season 4. Don’t be surprised if the entirety of the second episode is focused on this and characters doing what they can in order to both help others and survive.

Are we hoping for a longer trailer for the actual show soon? Maybe something like that will happen by the end of the month, but Fox tends to be rather careful with what they choose to hand out in advance. That makes at least a certain degree of sense; there’s no real reason or incentive for them to share too many details at too early a period of time.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to 9-1-1 right now

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This article was written by Jess Carter. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.

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