Is Alan Dale leaving Dynasty, and is Anders dead? Season 4 shocker


Is Alan Dale leaving Dynasty following Friday’s season 4 episode, and is his character of Anders truly dead?

Given the nature of this show, it’s fair to expect a major twist at just about every corner. We’ve seen all sorts of craziness already over the past few years, and that causes us to adopt an “anything can happen” sort of mantra.

In this case, though, we do think that Anders is gone and that Dale is departing the show. They’ve spent the bulk of this season hyping up a major death, so to pull the rug out from under us now would feel wildly disingenuous and not exactly great to the integrity of the series.

Kudos to the writers for all of the times they tried to make us believe someone else was dying — there were tricks and Easter eggs aplenty throughout season 4 to make us think we were going a different direction here! Also, kudos to them for having the guts to take out someone who is a big part of the story; Dale was a part of the Dynasty family from the beginning. The show obviously wasn’t going to kill off Fallon, but they did eliminate someone who was important and whose departure will have a ripple effect.

Because there is a good bit of time left in the season, that also means that we’ll have a reasonable amount of time to see what some of the consequences here are going to be. Fingers crossed that there are more surprises around the corner this season, and ones that set the stage for something more leading into season 5.

Related Be sure to get some other news on Dynasty, including other updates on what’s ahead for the series

What do you want to see when it comes to Dynasty moving forward?

Are you sad that we’ve lost the Anders character? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, stick around — there are some other updates ahead that you do not want to miss. (Photo: The CW.)

This article was written by Jess Carter. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.

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