Big Brother 23 live feed spoilers: Wildcard competition preview

Kyland Young

Today in Big Brother 23 is absolutely going to be a fascinating one for so many reasons. After all, Kyland is the new Head of Household, and he already has a number of different things to think about when it comes to his nominations.

For the time being, though, we’re also seeing him hold a number of his cards close to the vest.

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After Frenchie’s HoH reign went down in flames over him promising safety to every single houseguest under the sun, we’re seeing Kyland utilize a very different approach here. He’s still in a tough position since he’s made a lot of alliances so far in the game. He has the Slaughterhouse, for example, and going against that right now means that people are coming after him. (Frenchie still thinks there’s a good likelihood he goes up after Travis threw him under the bus before he left.) Meanwhile, Kyland also has the Cookout alliance that he’s working with. The only person he’s promised 100% safety to right now is Sarah Beth, who is secretly one of his most important allies in the game.

Tiffany has claimed that she wants to form a core with Kyland, Claire, Sarah Beth, Derek X, Azah, Hannah, and Britini — on paper, we do think that this sounds fun! Yet, it would also make it impossible for Kyland to nominate someone he isn’t aligned with. Britini is someone he’s already thought about putting on the block, after all. (We hope Derek X. isn’t considered, but he is going to be pressured to put him up — meanwhile, Tiffany and Azah are after Brent.)

Entering the Wildcard today, Frenchie is intent on playing — to the extent that he’s asked Britini to claim that she is competing so that people won’t put their strong players in there in advance. (Cocky much, Frenchie?)

Related Be sure to get some other news when it comes to Big Brother right now

What do you want to see happen in today’s Big Brother 23 Wildcard Competition?

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