Grey’s Anatomy season 17 finale promo: Why is the beach back?

Meredith Grey

The Grey’s Anatomy season 17 finale is poised to arrive on ABC next week, and just from the promo below alone, we have questions.

What’s one of the biggest ones? It’s tied to the return of the beach, which has been a major setting for the entirety of the season. We only see a split-second of it in the video, and it’s of Meredith wearing a different outfit than we saw in her “dream-world” while she was battling the virus. Does that mean it’s not a dream? Maybe, but we certainly cannot confirm that.

Want to get some more news on Grey’s Anatomy in video form? Then be sure to check out our most-recent review below! Once you do just that, be sure to subscribe to Matt & Jess on YouTube! We’ll be discussing the finale there as soon as it ends…

What we wonder is this: Does a version of this beach exist in reality — and if so, is that a place Meredith could visit? Is this where she could find some serenity? We do also wonder if this could end up being an alternate site for Maggie and Winston’s wedding, but that feels like a little bit of a stretch when you consider that they already have a site in the promo.

One other important question we wonder is simply this: Why in the world are there objections at the wedding? These two have had a wonderful relationship over the season and we’re more than excited to see what’s next … provided this wedding goes as we hope.

In the end, the season 17 finale will feature some big choices for Jo, Meredith back at work, and likely at least one tease or two for what season 18 will look like. In general, isn’t there a lot to be excited about here?

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Grey’s Anatomy right now

What do you think is going to go down on the Grey’s Anatomy season 17 finale?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! After you do that, remember to also come back around — there are further updates ahead that you don’t want to miss. (Photo: ABC.)

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