Is Station 19 new tonight on ABC? Season 4 episode 6 promo

Station 19

Is Station 19 new tonight on ABC? We’re getting closer to seeing some of these firefighters back on TV after a long hiatus!

Unfortunately, said hiatus is not over just yet. There is no new episode of the series airing tonight, and there will not be until Thursday, March 11. With that being said, we do have something to help tide you over in the event that you haven’t seen it already: A new promo. This one gives you at least a partial sense of what lies ahead, and it includes a number of hyper-dramatic situations.

If you recall, at the end of the first part of the season some of the firefighters learned about a man who was keeping young people captive within his house. They tried to speak out about it, but the police weren’t inclined to listen — instead, Miller and Sullivan both got arrested in a case of extreme racial bias. Moving forward, this man and a potential operation needs to be stopped. All of this ties back to an incident of trafficking that Andrew DeLuca first uncovered on Grey’s Anatomy last season.

This promo features DeLuca working alongside his sister Carina to track down some of the people responsible … and yes, it does seem as though Carina is finally getting a storyline! This first episode back will at least be a partial crossover with Grey’s Anatomy, though it’s honestly difficult to gauge for the most part how substantial a crossover it will be. Sometimes, these are promoted this way and it is barely a crossover at all.

Now that we have a promo, our hope is that at some point over the next week or two, we’ll have a synopsis with some specific information on what’s next. There are still some boxes to be checked off before the show returns.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Station 19, including other insight on what lies ahead

What do you most want to see when it comes to Station 19 season 4 episode 6?

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