Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist season 2 episode 6: The last before hiatus

Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist

There are a few things that we have to say about Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist season 2 episode 6, but we should start with this: A hiatus is coming. We’re not sure that we would label next week’s “Zoey’s Extraordinary Reckoning” a midseason finale per se, but it is going to be a story that makes you linger for a while.

So what gives? Why is NBC taking this show off the air? Starting on February 16, the network is presenting a lineup that includes Young Rock and Kenan starting at 8:00 p.m. Eastern time. This is a way for them to try and get ratings for new comedies leading into This Is Us, one of their highest-rated shows. We wouldn’t think of this as some indictment on Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist and its ratings so far; it is doing fairly well, and given its streaming performance and critical acclaim, we have to imagine it will be back for another season. This hiatus is mostly just about promoting some other shows, while also potentially giving viewers a chance to catch up on Zoey’s Playlist before it continues in the spring. (It may also need more time to wrap its own installmentes behind the scenes.)

Now that we’ve spelled all of that out, let’s go ahead and share some of the details about next week’s episode. After all, this may be one of the most topical stories we’ve ever seen on this show:

02/09/2021 (08:00PM – 09:00PM) (Tuesday) : Simon wrestles with his future at SPRQ Point after calling out racial bias at the company. Mo and Max pitch a new investor for their business venture. TV-14

It goes without saying that what we’re seeing here with Simon is serious — incredibly so. Workplace bias and racism are real issues happening out there, and the skill of this show is finding a way to present this and allowing it to breathe. While much of the story is lighthearted and comedic, it has allowed itself enough room to take on significant issues in the past. This represents it happening all over again through the lens of a specific character.

Related Want some more news when it comes to Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist now?

What do you most want to see when it comes to Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist season 2 episode 6?

Be sure to let us know right now in the comments! After you do that, stick around for other updates. (Photo: NBC.)

This article was written by Jessica Carter. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.

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