The Undoing episode 6 (finale) theories: Could Grace take the fall?

The Undoing

As we prepare for The Undoing and the big finale this weekend, there are a lot of ways the murderer could be revealed. Of course, with that a lot of what happens could depend heavily on what sort of show The Undoing really wants to be.

Is this a series by and large meant to be a whodunnit? That is the implication of all of the various reveals, including the shocking one that Henry is responsible. If Grace and Jonathan’s son is the murderer, though, we’re going to be veering a lot from where the show was for the first five episodes. Instead, the series becomes what these two characters do in the wake of this revelation. This is where you can come up with the theory that Grace herself takes the fall for Elena’s death, and suffers the consequences even though she is not guilty.

In a way, this theory feels almost too predictable, and this does raise all sorts of other questions about trust. Let’s say that in the end, Henry denies any wrongdoing. What if Grace doesn’t believe him? What if she takes the fall for the crime, even though Henry didn’t actually do it? This may be one of the more tragic ends to this story, but it could prove to be one of the more fascinating.

If The Undoing wants to keep the whodunnit going, then it’s pretty clear that the killer can’t be Henry. Yet, we also think that a show on HBO can’t be obsessed solely on the mystery. This is also about the characters, and the emotional ramifications a lot of them face for some of their individual choices. We’re prepared for a little bit of everything in this final chapter of the series.

Related News Be sure to get some more news when it comes to The Undoing, including further details on the finale!

What do you think we’re going to see on The Undoing and its big finale?

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