Supernatural series finale: Will Sam and Dean find any peace?

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Moving into the Supernatural series finale on The CW this Thursday, we know that Sam and Dean have solved one key piece to the puzzle. After all, we know that the two have defeated Chuck, and therefore restored some element of balance and free will to the universe.

Of course, with that being said, that doesn’t mean that the world is somehow free of monsters. There is going to be another mission that they encounter on the road in the series finale, and we’ve heard some of the cast speak openly about the chance of an eventual revival down the road. Because of this, we have a hard time thinking that the show is going to make it where the Winchesters retire from hunting forever. Meanwhile, we also don’t think that they will kill them — after fifteen years, that just seems cruel.

What we can do at the moment is present at least a little bit of scoop for what lies ahead! Speaking to TVLine, here is what co-showrunner Andrew Dabb had to say:

“I think having Sam or Dean Winchester ever fully at peace is a big ask … There’s always something out there. These are guys that are soldiers. And even if the bigger stuff has been taken care of, there’s smaller stuff that kind of keeps them going. So is it a case where I believe either of them could ever walk away from the job, sit back, put their feet in the sand and sip piña coladas? Yeah, they could, but not today. And then something’s gonna come along that’s gonna force them back into the job… They have a moral obligation that keeps them from being able to kind of give up the fight.”

Related News Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Supernatural, including more video previews on what’s ahead

What do you most want to see when it comes to the Supernatural series finale?

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