Power Book II: Ghost episode 6: New poster all about the chess game
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One of the things that has been so interesting about Starz’s promotion for the upcoming batch of episodes is that they are turning the game into a literal thing. We’ve seen a chess motif often as of late, and that manifests itself perfectly in the poster HERE. You see chess pieces mixed in with shots of various characters — it’s a cool-looking image, and it’ll at least get people talking again about the second half of the season.
The chess metaphor is very much appropriate when you think about where a lot of these characters are at the moment. Tariq needs to make the right moves to ensure that he keeps his drug business on the down-low, while making sure he can afford his mother’s representation. Meanwhile, Saxe has to find a way to nail Tariq as Ghost’s killer, while Monet is looking to use Tariq as she sees fit. One wrong move for any of these characters could meet their doom, and that’s something that they all may be aware of in some shape or form.
Personally, we do think that at least one major character will find themselves in a check-mate by the end of this season. Just remember that Power is the sort of universe where things are always shifting and evolving. No reason to think it will start being different now.
Related News – Be sure to get some more news right now when it comes to Power Book II: Ghost
What do you think is going to be coming on Power Book II: Ghost episode 6?
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