Power Book II: Ghost season 2: Can we expect a fairly-quick turnaround?
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For the time being, the timeline that we’ve got for season 1 is this: New episodes are going to resume airing next month and potentially, they could run into early January. A lot of that is going to depend heavily on how Starz wants to air out the rest of the show through the holiday season.
No matter, we know that there isn’t much of a delay between the end of season 1 filming and the start of season 2. A part of that is due to the timing of the show getting more episodes, and another part of that is just due to the end of season 1 filming being delayed as long as it was. We think that there could be a reasonably short turnaround in terms of when season 2 premieres — provided that Starz wants to air the episodes a few months after they’re done filming.
If we had a dream scenario for how the rest of season 1 would go, it’d be a little bit of something like this. Season 2 premieres in July 2021, that way the show can get back on the schedule we saw with Power proper. Then, you can decorate around that some of the other shows in the Power universe. We know that there’s going to be Book III coming as early as next year, and the jury is still out on Power Book IV: Force, the story of Tommy Egan.
Related News – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Power Book II: Ghost right now
What do you most want to see when it comes to Power Book II: Ghost moving forward?
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