Station 19 season 4 spoilers: Is there some lighter content coming?
Yet, it does still seem like the writers are going to try on some level to incorporate a little bit more happiness into what is coming, though there are some hard times the characters have to go through first. Speaking per TVLine, showrunner Krista Vernoff noted that “there was some real darkness last season — so much death. This season, the team pulls together and finds a lot of joy despite the heaviness of the world.”
We do think that some of the narrative drive behind this is a way to sort of balance out everything that is going on in the world right now. When things are so bleak and depressing, we are going to look for an escape from a lot of it — this show on some level can offer that. These are also characters who, at this point, people are also attached to. We like to think that this familiarity is comforting in itself.
For those who have not heard as of yet, production is already underway on Station 19 season 4. The next order of business is simply finding out when the show is going to be back, and our hope at the moment is that it’s going to be on ABC when we get around to November.
Related News – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Station 19 right now
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